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Sunday, 21 September 2014


Well the train was very simple; wooden frame with windows that didnt pull shut and concrete seats covered in a fake leather. We all shared two benches so plenty of room and a overhead rack to store our bags.
However the train was having repairs when we got on , which consistedof one man with a torch and screwdriver knelt under the train !!

Anyway we set off on time but after about half an hour the train stopped at a station and stayed there for at least 30 minutes. We all tried to sleep the 6 hour journey , however the seats became very uncomfortable and more people started to get on and wanting up to move up and it became unbearable!! After about 6 hours into this torment some railway police decided to get on and shouting and prodding people to move about. They had moved everyone from the first carriage to the last and we seemed safe. Then we got asked to move and Luke wasnt very happy and kept asking the police officer why , as we had so many bags to carry and it was impossible to get through all those people witg our bags. Anyway , luckily we had been told not to question the authority as in Thailand this is very disrespectful and can land you in jail !! So i told Luke to zip it and do as the man said, so we all moved to the second carriahe, knocking people out as we went. After all this fuss , we were an hour late , the police officers were annoyed at us and were shouting but had time to take pictures of their accomplishments and send them to their friends. When we did arrive in Aranyaprathet station , there was no point to swap us all around as we all got off at the same time in the same place !!!!!

Anyway, definatley an experience we did not want to repeat !! 2nd worsttrain ride of my life !!

A tuk tuk took us to the border but make sure you know what the real border looks like as they try to take you to a fake !! The tuk tuk should only cost 100 bht. Also make sure you have 20 dollars each and 100 baht for the border otherwise your not getting in , they will want a passport photo too. The 100 baht isnt advertised but you cant get in without it !! Also pull out US dollars before you arrive, otherwise you have to walj quite far to a casino to get your money out and their chatge is$5 below $165 and 5% over.

Allow a few hours for the border as the first part is easy, you then have to queue to get your arrival card stamped and this took forevet , then you myst decide whther you want to bus at $9 each or a taci at $40 for the whole car . The ride is 2 hours by taxi to Siem reap and 3.5 buy bus. By the time you have done 2 hours in the queue , you will want the taxi !!   You get a free bus from the border to the train station.

This whole experience was quite expensive and wouldnt do it again would deffo recommended to fly, we lost alot of time and money this way. Plus when we paid for the taxi to take us to the hotel , however they are sneaky abd try to pass you to a tuk tuk and tell you that he will take you the rest of the way but when you get to your hotel they try to charge you and when you say no they adk if they can take you to the Angkor wat temples the next day which is $15 for one tuk tuk so we said yes.

Anyway our hotel was called Angkor secret garden inn and was located down a back street but it was lovely. We were met by a guy called Lucky and he was THEE nicest person we have ever met.

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